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There is no Darkmoon Isle in WoTLK Classic.There is a long list of differences with Darkmoon Fairebetween Classic and Retail versions, but here are the most important points. ĭifferences in Darkmoon Faire between Classic and Retail Reputation: Darkmoon Faire reputation has become far more important to build, since it is a required element for the Insane in the Membrane achievement, which earns the title.This means that completed trinkets can now be sold on the Auction House. All Darkmoon trinkets are now Bind on Equip, even those from previous expansions. In both Classic and Burning Crusade Classic, Darkmoon trinkets created from decks were Bind on Pickup. Darkmoon Trinkets are no longer Bind on Pickup.All Darkmoon Faire cards used to create decks are now created through Inscription. These have an iLevel of 200 and a required level of 80. New Darkmoon Faire Cards and Decks: Four new Darkmoon Faire trinkets can be created from Darkmoon Faire cards.It also appears on the new in-game calendar if you forget.

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This means that Darkmoon Faire's schedule is far more predictable than it used to be. New Schedule: Darkmoon Faire now starts on the first Sunday of each month at 12:01 server time, rather than starting setup on the first Friday of the month and opening the following Monday.Most of the quests and features remain the same, but there are a few key changes. Although you will run into some familiar faces, Darkmoon Faire of WoTLK Classic bears little resemblance to the Retail version of the monthly festival it has become over the years.ĭifferences in Darkmoon Faire between Burning Crusade Classic and WoTLK Classicįunctionally, there is little difference between Darkmoon Faire in WoTLK Classic from other Classic expansions. While Darkmoon Faire will be very familiar to those coming from Classic expansions, players familiar with the retail version of Darkmoon Faire will discover just how much the Faire has grown and changed over the years. How is Darkmoon Faire Different in WoTLK Classic? For those looking for information on Darkmoon Faire on Classic Era servers, please see the following guide: It's also different than the version that exists on Classic Era. This guide covers the version of Darkmoon Faire that exists in Wrath of the Lich King Classic, so there will be some minor changes between this and the Burning Crusade Classic version, although that version no longer exists. Welcome to Wowhead's guide to in Wrath of the Lich King Classic! Darkmoon Faire offers games, vendors, prizes, and rewards, including some valuable Best in Slot items for those determined souls willing to put the time and effort into it.

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